The most common disease of fungal nature is mycosis of the feet. Fungus on the legs is most often seen in the area of the fingers and nails. Despite modern technology, old wounds continue to torment people. They still require systematic use of medication and patience to achieve the goal.

The fungus is easy to get, but it is not so easy to get rid of. The fact is that the fungus begins to develop on the surface of the skin, under the influence of favorable conditions, destroying the epidermis or nail.
Symptoms of a fungus
A fungal infection of the feet has many forms. They have their own symptoms, but some are characteristic of all manifestations of the fungus.
You can diagnose the disease with the following symptoms:
- severe itching;
- Discoloration of the skin and nails where the fungus grows;
- Some forms of fungal infection manifest themselves in the form of small rashes or watery pimples;
- peeling of the skin;
- Redness and swelling;
- Sometimes the body temperature rises, in most cases - no more than 37 degrees;
- Affected nails lose their elasticity, begin to wear and tear or even collapse, the skin near the nails;
- Watery pimples become cloudy over time, the contents become purulent.
Fungus in the legs and the reasons for its activity
Almost all people on earth are carriers of fungal infections, but not everyone is sick with them.
The infection is activated for the following reasons:
- Disorders of the endocrine system;
- Visiting public pools, saunas, baths without special shoes;
- High humidity contributes to the development of infection, for example, wet shoes, poorly dried feet after hygiene procedures;
- Weakened immunity.
Fungus and its treatment with drugs
Treatment of fungal infections is a long process. It is very important to choose the right medicine and recognize the disease in time. No one will do it better than a dermatologist, you should not experiment yourself. The fact is that the area of skin affected by the infection is similar to ordinary dermatitis.
miconazole antifungal agent
It has a wide field of application, ie it fights various fungal infections. It is considered one of the most effective. Treatment can be started after a doctor's appointment.
Treat problem skin or nails twice a day to get rid of the infection. For a better therapeutic effect, you can bandage the affected finger or nail after applying the drug. Treat for at least 2 weeks. You should use the drug for about a week after the symptoms disappear.
The use of this tool is contraindicated for people with severe liver pathology. Side effects are associated with allergic reactions.
According to numerous reviews from grateful patients, the tool is a very effective tool for parasitic fungi. Helps quickly and rarely recur. The first noticeable result is seen in the second week of treatment.
Preparation of undesilic acid
Undecylic acid is the main active ingredient. In addition to helping to get rid of fungal infections, the drug helps to heal damaged skin.
Lubricate damaged areas twice a day for faster healing.
Treat for at least 15 days. If necessary, repeat the course in the same way.
The drug has some contraindications: allergic reactions, non-fungal skin diseases in the acute stage. Side effects are also more associated with allergies.
After applying the drug, weeping wounds, which sometimes appear under the influence of mycosis, heal quickly. Itching disappears in a few days.
Homeopathic antifungal agent with psoralen
The main component is psoralen, extracted from the seeds of a plant called Ammi. It acts as a medicine against the spread of infection, but also helps to eliminate it.
To remove the fungus, lubricate the surface of the affected skin area with gel 3 times a day. After each application, a characteristic film appears on the surface of the toes. Wash with soap and water before the next use. Then wipe your feet dry, then reapply the drug. The treatment lasts 3 weeks. Everything depends on the results. If the disease "resists", the course can be continued for another week. If the disease recurs, repeat the treatment according to the same scheme.
The first noticeable results appear no later than 7 days after application. Itching goes faster.
Quinoning is an antifungal agent
Used for mild forms of skin damage, not for nails.
Treat with this drug 2 times a day, apply the powder on clean and dry skin. Also treat shoes and socks with medication. The maximum course is 4 weeks.
After application, the fungus ceases to exist after a while. The first significant result appears no later than 7-8 days of treatment.
Means for removing the affected nail
The main component is urea, which acts as an acid in the form of a concentrate.
It is usually removed surgically with severe nail damage. This is necessary because no medication will get under the nail plate. Therefore, any treatment will be useless. The infection passes under the nail and multiplies. The new plate will grow back over time, but will no longer be healthy.
To remove the nail without surgery, treat it with an emulsion every few days. First, dissolve a little soap and baking soda in warm water. Take 20 grams of soda and the same amount of dry soap scraps for a liter of water. Steam your feet to soften the nails. Then use a preparation that dissolves the horny surface of the nail plate.
It is recommended to protect the skin near the nail during emulsion treatment to avoid damage. The next step is to cover the treated area with plaster. Shelf life is specified in the instructions.
Then remove the softened layer with a nail file for pedicure or manicure. How many times to apply - depends on the thickness of the nail plate. The package is designed for several fingers.
Contraindicated in people with an allergic reaction to it or any of its components. There is no information about side effects.
When applied properly, the nail plate becomes thin and gradually dissolves completely, penetrating the skin of the finger. The drug contains tea tree oil, which acts as an antiseptic and disinfects the surface of unprotected skin to fight the fungus faster.
How to solve the problem at home?
Home remedies can be especially effective in the early stages of development. In order not to waste time, it is better to eliminate complex forms with medication.
Recipe №1
Take 100 grams of milk thistle. The whole plant is used, from roots to flowers. Put in a thermos and fill with water, you need about 2 liters. If you do not have a suitable thermos, you can prepare the medicine in any container, then cover it tightly with something to keep it warm. After a few hours, pour into a basin and steam the feet affected by mycosis. Repeat every 3 days. The treatment lasts 14 days.
Recipe №2
Moisten clean socks with wine vinegar and squeeze well. Put it on your feet before going to bed. Vinegar has antiseptic properties. Helps get rid of fungusThe treatment lasts at least a month.
Recipe №3
Make coffee in a pot. Pour the prepared strong drink into a bowl and steam your feet there. So, in a few days, not only get rid of the fungus, but also get rid of foot fatigue. Repeat the procedure for several consecutive days.
Preventive measures to prevent the onset of the disease:
- If your feet are extremely sweaty, take herbal baths every night and change your socks often;
- It is recommended to soak your feet in saline or soda solution, dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a liter of water and keep your feet for 15-20 minutes;
- After washing bedding and socks with a hot iron, iron, the fungus dies at high temperatures;
- Periodically disinfect shoes with special tools such as formalin, 1% solution is enough to kill the infection.
Treatment of the problem is carried out at home by all the above means. Effectiveness depends on your approach. Proper use of drugs guarantees 100% results. It is better to choose a tool that suits a doctor.